Growing up in a musical family, I have been singing since my earliest memories. My parents were a professional singing team who raised nine children and taught us to perform with them. We traveled the tri-state area for many years as the Yates Musical Theater performing to thousands of people at a time. In 2000, I gave my life to Jesus. Ever since then, it has been my joy to sing praises to Him, our Mighty God and Savior! Even though there have been some rough roads traveled on my life's journey, God has taught me to rejoice in Him, nonetheless. He has been my refuge and strength on the mountaintops and through the valleys. Creating the Hymns Afresh series has been a tremendous blessing to me, and I am excited to share them with you. Whether you are in the midst of triumph or trials, it is my prayer these songs will inspire you to worship Him along with me. Thank you for visiting and may God bless you abundantly!
I've been blessed and owe much gratitude and love to the following:
Jesus, for giving me so much to sing about! Your marvelous love is my inspiration!
My amazing Mom and Dad who showed me what loving God looked like in action, and demonstrated how to live your dreams.
My family and friends, for your constant support and prayers.
My brother Pat Yates who not only offered his remarkable talents on drums on my CDs, but also travels around to different churches and outreaches with me to share his skills.
My neices, Liz and Rosie Yates for bringing the most incredible harmonies, sweet vocals and willing spirits both on the road and in the studio.
Reverential Rock and Carl Gurbisz for outstanding production assistance, and for encouraging me to write my first song, helping bring my arrangements to new artistic levels and brilliant backup vocals!
Walt Graczyk's delightful guitar on You are With Me and for helping me tweak many details.
Dave Miller’s beautiful background vocals and for the opportunities we shared leading worship together.
Marty Silver's groovy bass lines, you rock, Marty!
John Albino's terrific guitar, bass and BG vocals on How Great Thou Art, thanks for sharing your talents with me!
Lisa Kryston's wonderful photography, and for keeping me well fed . You are a blessing!
All the hymn writers from the 18th and 19th century who gave us a legacy of classic hymns. Thanks for your dedication and love for Jesus.
For physical CDs, please contact me at marybeth99@gmail.com